Friday, May 8, 2015

Specifically, the salt may be a point in the manufacturer may not guarantee that the salt is not lu

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"Why have kitchen salt a shelf life? Recently, I noticed that my kitchen salt has a" shelf life of 3 years after the date of production. "Which I have not yet found a satisfactory explanation." Henrik K. Hansen, Director of Denmark's Salt Centre, match :
But there is not just salt in our kitchen feng shui alfonso leon salt - the declaration to be read, the addition of two E-numbers (usually E551 and E535. Anti-caking agents). In addition, there will be iodized in our kitchen salt. Due. these additives and that it is a food product must have a shelf life of our kitchen feng shui alfonso leon salt. Documentation
You can ask about everything in technology and science. The editors will select the inquiry and find the best expert to answer - or submit the question on to our clever readers. Click here to ask your question feng shui alfonso leon to Scientariet. feng shui alfonso leon Tweet
There is no requirement for BB (Best Before) on all products. The sugar is not marked with the BB, but is provided feng shui alfonso leon with a packing date / location so that the product can be tracked.
Exactly, salt and sugar, for example. specifically excluded *. Is not labeling hysteria is due to the exemption lapses when there is no right of salt? Someone naturvidenskablig founded feng shui alfonso leon reason I can certainly not come.
Jesper feng shui alfonso leon Storinggaard 4 years ago planned obsolescence
There are also fluoride in our toothpaste, it becomes therefore feng shui alfonso leon not to funk of food. Salt is added Iodine-127 so that we have a considerable excess and do not take up radioactive Iodine-131 now that the Russians once come.
In addition, there is a sharp difference between a State-supported initiative to add some missing nutrients to our diet, and is a private initiative to get you to buy more energy drink because it is "healthy and nutritious."
There must be a production date or batch of a product today, and if there are any expiry date, it is because so long will the manufacturer guarantee product stability. As for conservative label there's a difference of minimum durability (best before) and the last date of application (used by). At home in the kitchen, you can easily exceed the best before, but I will not exceed last date of application.
Arhj, it is not quite to prevent recording ekstrajod (eg. Radioactive, as Søren Rune Hansen suggests). It will require a lot more addition of iodine and then we ballan advertise on the verge of overdocering which will involve the same risissi as iodine deficiency. The purpose is rather to prevent goiter. The thyroid gland in the neck front forming metabolic hormones (thyroid hormones T3 and T4). This includes jod.Mangel in iodine can lead to an enlarged thyroid gland, which is not capable of forming the required amount of hormones. In addition to fish (and salt :-) available iodine in flour, feng shui alfonso leon eggs and vegetables. But the available iodine is reduced by heat processing - most by cooking, but also by roasting. Deror has since 1998 been added joid in table salt in Denmark. A good question would then be whether it has reduced the number of goiter ...
Specifically, the salt may be a point in the manufacturer may not guarantee that the salt is not lumps after a given period of time on the shelf in the store. This may be an argument for putting a "best before" labeling feng shui alfonso leon on as customers so should feng shui alfonso leon not basically get packages home where salt is lumped together.
In the dawn of time (around 1944) when I could start reading, you could sprinkle on the can with Kelp Table salt read that it was iodized. Why is that? The so avoided dwarfism in the population. There was something that had problems in this regard in Switzerland. Kelp is a large (60m) seaweed that grows in the Pacific, seaweed containing iodine. feng shui alfonso leon Sincerely Finn
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... It says so on sea salt, it is especially suitable for fish and seafood dishes. To be taken seriously, must of course be more than salt in sea salt; but it's probably just that we have to buy more salt.
On the contrary, does the lack of labeling feng shui alfonso leon here, the vegetables often are allowed to be in the refrigerated counter, to the nearly enough to climb away. The vegetables are probably the food group that is allowed to show the clearest visible signs of rottenness feng shui alfonso leon before someone steps in.
I think, however, rather in having to think about why the pay 15 kr for 200 g of salt in a cardboard box with a story. When the can buy the same product in a bag for 2.95 / kg. Especially when it is the same r .. medical history written on the box every time. We are being pulled around by the nose of reklambranchen, feng shui alfonso leon and we know it, but are too lazy to do anything feng shui alfonso leon about it. (And so I came so off topic).
There is no

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