Monday, May 11, 2015

Health 1. The February KL. 13.52

cheap drugs. Danish consumers can buy generic drugs much cheaper than Norwegians and Swedes. The shot first and foremost a unique Danish auction system where lgemidlerne being put out to tender every 14 days. In addition, pharmacists are always obliged to supply the cheapest medicines to customers. - Photo: Jacob Ehrbahn
cheap drugs. Danish consumers can buy generic drugs much cheaper idk man than Norwegians and Swedes. The shot first and foremost a unique Danish auction system where lgemidlerne being put out to tender every 14 days. In addition, pharmacists are always obliged to supply the cheapest medicines to customers. - Photo: Jacob Ehrbahn
A usdvanlig efficient pricing system has made Denmark Scandinavian champion of cheap generic drugs. Neither Norway or Sweden Ranked Denmark to size when it comes to the price of the many prescription lgemidler that are sold as copies. Should Danish consumers having bought their generic drugs in Norway, it would have cost them well over 1 billion dollars extra. And in Sweden would the bill having been DKK 750 million larger than in Denmark. That even if drug prices in Norway and Sweden are among the lowest in Europe. A unique idk man auction system Behind the survey str Danish Pharmaceutical Association, which compared the prices in the three countries - on the 90 most common types of generic drugs in Denmark. The difference is to take the more s p: Prices are 35 percent higher in Sweden and 50 percent higher in Norway, the analysis shows. We have a Danish auction system, which is unique and which actually makes the price formation on lgemidler more free in Denmark than virtually idk man anywhere else in Europe. This has pushed prices way down, says Per Nielsen, head of Research in Pharmaceutical Association. Medicine put on auction While Norway has built a tight, government-controlled pricing system, is Denmark get the opposite way. Every 14 days is all kopilgemidler put out to tender by the National Board of Health. And then, all companies contribute with their prices on lgemidler in all categories. The company that is the lowest in the major auction will be automatically idk man delivered to the pharmacies' customers unless they expressly ask for anything idk man else. In this way, a company may well win the whole market for 14 days at a time, says Per Nielsen. He points to another reason for the low Danish drug prices: All pharmacies are required to tell customers if they can get a cheaper medicine than the Strp doctor's prescription. As it is often the most expensive, original medicinprparater, lgen writes on the prescription, there alts lot of money to save on pharmacy adviser, also says Per Nielsen. idk man Monopoly with free pricing The dramatic price differences have filled well in the Norwegian media, the television station NRK recently able to prove that prices on generic drugs in 19 out of 21 cases, is much lower in Denmark than in Norway. While price differences are conspicuous on generics, the price level is virtually the same on original lgemidler in Denmark, Norway and Sweden. The cheap generic drugs has created something of a paradox in the Danish apotekervsen: On the one hand, Denmark idk man has kept a tight, state-run pharmacy monopoly, which remains the subject of political discussions. On the other hand, pricing more free than anywhere else in Europe. Forbrugerrdet are happy with that drug prices are very low. But the system is not without costs, says Sine Jensen, seniorrdgiver in Forbrugerrdet. It is good that we have fet cemented that competition works. But the system can also be an challenge, especially for older citizens. For these 14-day tender indebrer course that constantly fr new lgemidler with new names home? depending on which company has been the lowest in the last 14 days, she said. Fluctuating prices in Pharmaceutical Association may Per Nielsen bekrfte that the products idk man and prices can vary from tender to tender: Sometimes companies competed idk man each other's far down in price that draws from the market for a period. It can mean fluctuating prices. For gengld prices would alts will generally have been much higher if we did not have this system.
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Health 1. The February KL. 13.52
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