Saturday, May 2, 2015

I am reminded of my mistress and Japan trip a few years ago. For me there is no doubt that many of

The purpose of this blog is that I will try to learn more about the phenomenon of creativity - by even writing about it. I do not have a lot of opinions here. I analyze and try to understand. The blog here is therefore targeted insight and cognition - without any practical purpose. Comment if you have the time and inclination. Is this the first time you are here, it can be an advantage to start with some of the first post. Excuse spelling and typos which I unfortunately are quite blind to.
The name I did not know, but some of the things he has designed, I know. The article discussing is whether - and to what extent design "stolen", "borrowed" or just "source door bell wireless of inspiration".
Looking at a number of Apple products who have contributed to the worldwide success, it's door bell wireless imitation of some of Dieter Rams' designed products for the German company Braun. This illustrates clearly the article. For example, Ipod-one:
Article's angle is: "What you are saying is you." Apple has been for Samsung to imitate a variety of Apple product design. And Apple has currently won a lawsuit in the US against Samsung.
No. The article documents the visual proof that many of Apple's products design is "stolen" from the German designer Dieter Ram has a designer for the German company Braun for many years.
One of them was Hans J. Wegner. And he has actually door bell wireless been on - and been good to be inspired, you might say. His famous China chair is basically a clean copy of a Chinese chair which is 300 years old:
All great artists have learned and evolved by the way copying the great masters. In fact included it as compulsory exercises in most kunstakademiers teaching. Or at least have made it.
And Andy Wharholes pop art graphics are processed iconic photos of some of the known, door bell wireless as here Marylin Monroe, he paid mon royalty to the photographers who had delivered the models?
To Fairey here viderebeabejdet an otherwise fine press photo of Obama - something that was iconic status in the Obama campaign, there is no doubt. And Fareys picture is art, it is not the photograph. I think.
For me it is actually a not entirely uninteresting questions - after I started by painting watercolors for photos. There is obviously no problem as long as the pictures I have taken - on location.
But what if I paint watercolors - based on photos taken by the other and from places I've never been? I owe so to point out it? In fact, I repeatedly painted by others paintings or photos on the Web - within my Cape Verde watercolors.
And what about Jacob Jensen famous and amazing functional Margrethe Skå ?. Can the company door bell wireless Norm Architects just afford to bow bowl edge - and it's an original new design - called a "reinterpretation". Or hur?
Dieter door bell wireless Rams who have both been "inspiration" for Jacob Jensen and the Board of designer Jonathan Ive has designed a number of basic principles of the requirements for what constitutes good design, called design art "The 10 Commandments":
In many ways, Dieter Rams 10 design bids a kind of dogma rules, and they are a beautiful expression of the variant of the creative restrictions as saying: LESS IS MORE Dieter Rams is worth quoting, it turns out: My aim is two omit everything Superfluous så essential is shown two the best possible advantage. Question everything generelt thought two be indlysende. Having small touches of color gör it more colorful than having the whole thing in color. Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something door bell wireless memorable and Meaningful. door bell wireless A product must not Claim features - more innovative, more efficient, of higher value - it does not have the. It must not inflytande or Manipulate buyers and users. There is no longer room for irrelevant things. We have no longer got the resources. Irrelevance is out. But I am curious. How much of it is in our home is actually designed by Dieter Rams. Several things, it turns out. Here are a few examples:
I am reminded of my mistress and Japan trip a few years ago. For me there is no doubt that many of the modern Danish and foreign designers have gotten a fundamental inspiration from Japanese door bell wireless art, design, door bell wireless architecture and fashion. Like the impressionists in France - 150 years ago.
I know, it is not an adaptation of existing designs and will not ever be replaced or be subjected door bell wireless to re-design. It is unique. And used as a textbook in the teaching of design education. But the Japanese high-speed trains Shikansen - and and the Japanese bamboo lunch box as we met everywhere, have Kenji Ekuan designed.
Peter Harms Larsen Professionally: See my website: www.phl door bell wireless communication. door bell wireless Personal curious, ope

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