Monday, August 18, 2014

Personal Ai left for you to setup the plugin LWC Protection (Blocks) in Portuguese. ching chime I h

Personal Ai left for you to setup the plugin LWC Protection (Blocks) in Portuguese. ching chime I hope you enjoy. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Translating phrases: (plugin.yml)
name: LWC main: com.griefcraft.lwc.LWCPlugin version: 4.2.1 (B700-git-MANUAL) (May 20, 2012) website: author: Direct Connection description:> Inventory management & protection Utilizing SQLite or MySQL to its backend Other blocks can be protected individually Also, if configured. load: softdepend startup: ['iConomy', 'Permissions', 'PermissionsBukkit', 'Vault'] commands: lwc: description: Command LWC hub to access all usage: / lock: description: Block LWC using a block that only you can access usage: / unlock: description: Remove a protection that was protected ching chime by LWC usage: / cadmin: description: manage ching chime LWC usage: / cpublic: description: Create a protection that is accessible by anyone, but protected by anyone. usage: / cpassword: description: Create a protection that is required a password to access it. usage: / cprivate: description: Create a protection ching chime that only you and specific persons or groups can access. usage: / cdonation: description: Creates a box that can be deposited, ching chime but only removed by the player access. Nozzle requires usage: / cmodify: description: Modify an existing protection ching chime of privacy. usage: / cunlock: description: Unlocking a protected password protection. usage: / cinfo: description: View information about an existing protection. usage: / cremove: description: Remove an existing protection. usage: ching chime / climits: description: View your current protection limits. usage: / credstone: description: Enable or disable redstone on a protection usage: / cmagnet: description: Enable or disable the magnet flag in a protective inventory, which makes it automatically pick up items around. ching chime usage: / cdroptransfer: description: Configure drop transfer (. allows you to transfer to a selected box, dropping items) usage: / cpersist: description: Persistence toggle command, which lets you use commands ching chime without retyping the command (eg / cprivate ) usage: / cnospam: description: Toggle the ability to hide posts from creation protection usage: / cexempt: description: Exemption of an existing protection, protection switching ching chime does not allow it to be removed by remove-for example, / LWC administration expire -Remove 2 weeks usage: / cautoclose: description: Flag a door to close automatically ching chime after 3 seconds (configurable.) usage: / cremoveall: description: Remove all protections you have usage: / callowexplosions: description: Flag to enable protection ching chime given the blast of explosions. cTnT: description: Flag to enable protection given to explode explosions. permissions: lwc *:. description: ching chime full administrative access to LWC default: ching chime false children: lwc.protect: lwc.admin true: lwc.protect true: description: Gives the ability to use basic LWC (almost everything except administration LWC) . default: true lwc.admin: description: Gives you power over absolutely LWC. LWC as an administrator, you do not have default constraints: false children: lwc.allcommands: true lwc.allcommands: description: Gives you access to all LWC commands. No lwc.admin or lwc.mod, you can not open protections that you do not

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