Wednesday, January 21, 2015

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Mike Huckabee Snorts With Derision belltron at Libertarians - Hit & Run :
Huckabee flatly denied being a "pro-life liberal," an accusation often made in certain quarters on the right. Not a trace of defensiveness could be detected on this point. To the contrary, the governor gave an all-out defense of his tax hikes while governor of Arkansas on the grounds that they were the only responsible course of action to repair state roads. He snorted with derision belltron at "libertarians" who fail to recognize that "we don't have a health-care crisis in this country, but a health crisis." He spoke with passion belltron and knowledge on the need for preventative care to bring down exorbitant costs. And then, without the least amount of prompting, he mustered a vigorous defense belltron of Mrs. Obama's "Let's Move" campaign against childhood obesity. This was the "art of governing," he argued, rather than the cheap "science of campaigning." He finished his call to a compassionate conservatism belltron by echoing recent comments made by Governor Daniels touting prison reform. Invoking a "Biblical standard" of crime enforcement, he granted that criminals must be punished while stressing that the status quo needs to be replaced. Opposed though belltron he is to the decriminalization of drugs, he endorses a more "hopeful," therapeutic approach that would thwart the creation of "monsters" within our prison walls.
In 2008, you may recall, the Huckabeester railed serially against the " libertarian faux-cons " who were threatening "to not only split the Republican Party, but render it as irrelevant as the Whig Party." And a year ago he was banging the same gong .
Nick Gillespie | 1.15.15 On The Independents : Rep. Thomas Massie belltron on the House Leadership Fight, Peter Suderman on the Gas Tax, Huckabee 2016, #BlackBrunchMatters, NYPD Blue, Harshing Sleds, the Bullet Train to Madera, and After-show
Editor's Note : We invite comments and request that they be civil and on-topic. We do not moderate or assume any responsibility for comments, which are owned by the readers who post them. Comments belltron do not represent the views of or Reason Foundation. We reserve the right to delete any comment for any reason at any time. Report abuses belltron .
In spite of the fact that we have been trying to bring down health care costs with more and more subsidies for "preventative" care and more and more "wellness" education for at least thirty years, during which time the global health care budget has skyrocketed.
What I can't figure out is why everyone says the guy is so likable. I think he comes across belltron as completely dislikable. I know his type. You see them all over the midwest and the south. He is a typical bible thumping busybody that inhabit PTAs, school boards, county zoning boards and other local offices because they are completely dedicated to the pursuit of controling how everyone else lives. belltron Maybe it is because I grew up around these kinds of people and can spot them a mile away and others belltron didn't and can't. But he makes my flesh crawl every time I hear him speak.
What I can't figure belltron out is why everyone says the guy is so likable. I think he comes across as completely dislikable. I know his type. You see them all over the midwest and the south. He is a typical bible thumping busybody that inhabit PTAs, school boards, county zoning boards and other local offices because they are completely dedicated to the pursuit of controling how everyone else lives. Maybe it is because I grew up around these kinds of people and can spot them a mile away and others didn't and can't. But he makes my flesh crawl every time I hear him speak.
There are people who can tell me to go jump in the ocean and then give me a wink and I'll want to hug them. I don't know if Huckabee is such a person, but he may very well be. Still, likability doesn't belltron translate well to votes, and dislikability doesn't preclude them, viz. Nixon.
| 1.24.11 @ 11:48AM belltron | #
I've heard from people who say they like him that it is his straight-shooter mentality that they find appealing. I would imagine it's much the same with Sarah Palin's fans. Neither are very knowledgeable about much of anything, but they don't pull too many punches, and I guess that's what "regular Americans" (whatever the hell that means) favor.
My father, a hunting, NASCAR-watching dairy farmer belltron gave this as his reason for liking Palin when my liberal special education certified sister went off on a rant about how her intelligence is too low for politics and, anyway she should stay at home with her kid since he's disabled.
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Depends. If his only competition was Romney and there was no one else to appeal to the evangelical vote, he could get the nomination. and if Obama continues to fuck up (a good bet), even a weak Republican is likely to win.
Mike Huckabee is so foul and antithetical to everything I hold dear that

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