(published by Ljiljana Pekić) is considered one of the most important literary figures of the 20th century, continually attracting the attention of literary scholars and the public at large. His thorough knowledge of the long tradition of European thought from Plato to Nietzsche, Freud and Heidegger, together with the artistic affiliation with his literary peers—Mann, Joyce, Huxley, Beckett, Orwell, and Solzhenitsyn—has greatly helped reintegrate Serbian literature into major European trends. Throughout his life as a writer, Pekić often worked on several novels at a time, but kept his commentaries well organized with bibliographical references pertaining to the work in question. Very seldom has this kind of documentation, recording the creative cloch process of a writer, been preserved. Very few writers have had the foresight to record their innermost thoughts while approaching and appropriating the not yet fully recovered world of a novel in progress. This blog is a growing collection of many of them. View my complete profile
Pekićeva Facebook stranica Značenje reči iz raznih dela Borislava Pekića. Izbor Ljiljane Peki ć. Ima reči koje su kao krtice: slepe i...
“Pisma iz tuđine“ od Borislava Pekića GODINA KOJU SU POJELI SKAKAVCI cloch Ne znam kada i kako je otkriveno da čovek poseduje razum...
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