Monday, November 11, 2013

The lyrics also point to the futility of compliance and a life dictated by someone / something pass

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We have shown one at other times the mind control symbolism is found in various acts of pop music. This trend is worrying, however, is not limited only to American artists. Topics related to mind control themes and symbols can now be found in pop music worldwide, as a result of the globalization of popular culture. Lets look at the themes explored by one of the most important groups in Russia, Vintage, and explain its hidden meaning.
As seen in previous articles here in the blog, the symbolism of mind control is often found in the videos of young sexy pop stars who are on the rise. In most cases, these stars assume the role of victim mind control in videos, making the symbolism seems cool, sexy and desirable, while the idea of mind control is unconsciously planted in the minds of young people. Many videos depict vividly the sometimes harsh reality of being a "puppet" industry, to the point that everything is open, but for most viewers remain untraceable because they can not see beyond the thin veil of symbolism found in the videos. pass and stow This phenomenon is not only found in North America, but in all parts of the world: in this case, Vintage, Russian pop group (Винтаж).
The group - Anna-Pletnev, singer and composer Aleksey Romanov and dancer pass and stow Svetlana Ivanov-released a single titled Mikkie, containing all aspects of the Illuminati agenda. The themes of mind control, alter-egos, abuse, pass and stow sexualization, and dehumanization can be found in this video, as well as some of his previous work. So, before we get to Mikkie, let us briefly examine two previous videos.
Since its debut in 2007, many of the singles Vintage contains some sort of comment on social issues such as prostitution and abuse. References to mind control were also present, although the way these references were submitted, the videos seemed to denounce it.
The lyrics also point to the futility of compliance and a life dictated by someone / something pass and stow else. The best translation of the song, what I found is probably not 100% accurate, but it is enough to convey the essence of music. Here is an excerpt particularly significant:
And then what? Then we press the button on the remote and go to heaven easily and neatly Carpet Curved mirrors Well, those we love we will never be with Why we forget that we are people
This song describes the harsh reality of a prostitute, pass and stow as prostitution is a huge problem in Russia. pass and stow In the video embedded symbols are related to mind control: prostitution, ritual abuse, and slavery often go hand in hand in Eastern Europe.
At the end of the video, Anna is shown giving the doll to her daughter, showing pass and stow that she went through all this to give you things. The doll also represents the core persona of Anna, who transmits his daughter, hoping she would lead a better life.
Sex album cover. Passing in front fetish theme, the sale also represents the "veil" in front of a victim of mind control, while the candles allude to the ritualistic nature of sex with the victims MK.
In the group's new album, Sex (marketing very subtle), seems to be aimed at a younger audience and social commentary seem to have been replaced by definitive Illuminati symbolism, along with what is found in Western pop music.
The amount of surface, the song is a commentary on popular culture and mass production. The authors also say that is a tribute to Michael Jackson. There is another pass and stow very important issue described in this video: mind control. As seen in previous articles, Mickey Mouse (especially the Mickey Mouse hat) is often used as a code for mind control in popular culture. The involvement of Disney and Disney movies in mind control programming were documented pass and stow by Fritz Springmeier.
This video makes full use of Mickey Mouse = mind control code. Mikkie pass and stow (Mickey Mouse) is a symbolic representation of the artist's pass and stow personality change, mind controlled and programmed to be a shallow person to entertain.
The theme of control begins to be programmed. A close eye reveals that she had been "computerized" or "robotic". Additionally, the entire choreography and mannerisms of the singers pass and stow and dancers are very robotic and mechanical, which puts an emphasis on atmosphere, soulless and

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