Yes, I was good enough, when he launched the Apple I, II and III, Macintosh, and the product shelf up to and including the first iPods and iPhones. The products were leveraged jensen design to you, to the few and tech-gifted who would not settle for sekundakram from Microsoft and Motorola. No, I would have products that hit the intersection of aesthetics and performance, and I did not mind paying the cashier products, and with commercially heard that I bought a ticket for - as it called itself - "the cult of Mac . "
Well, that was then and now is now, and Steve Jobs has in recent years made a cow-turn. Apple products are no longer for the few geeky and velbemidlede - Apple is to their parents. iPhone is a good example. Any technological nit can find out an iPhone, and not to make it too difficult, so editing Apple tightly in the apps that customers have access to, and if a few geeks want something more and trying to jailbreak their iPhone - so come Apple after them. Everything is subject to the right so that it takes on Apple's terms, jensen design simple and synchronized.
In June warned business editor Megan McArdle of the Atlantic about "geek emerging backlash against the iPhone." She told how she among its high-tech friends saw a growing irritation over the iPhone because Apple was so heavy and restrictive of editorial content and software, and Google Android was a tempting - and more free - alternative.
Another product example is the iPad. Business Insider brought yesterday was a well-intentioned columnist, jensen design who said that the iPad had great potential among a neglected audience jensen design - the grandparents. The iPad was "incredibly jensen design easy to use and easy to learn," and it "is jensen design reassuring especially for older people." jensen design Klummen continued to emphasize that the iPad had no menus, no buttons, no more than what was on the screen and the column sounded more and more as a description of an alphabet board. jensen design
Yesterday presented the Steve Jobs as its new TV and music offensive, and the same market trend prevailed there. Apple TV is cheap, simple, jensen design bottom commercially, and it can only be what Apple wants it to be. No need to think for themselves, yes, no ability to think for themselves. If, for example. To see some of BitTorrent, it's just too bad. It can not, and everything must be streamed through iTunes. As one of the leading tech bloggers, Matt Burns, finds that:
A good part of Apple's appeal has just been the cult of mac; there was something about that belong to the few and wise, those who put so much cost on aesthetics and performance that they would pay extra and also pay the trouble that Apple products exposed its customers, for example. with ukompabilitet.
If Apple's products suddenly considered commodity jensen design products - and products for grandparents - so do not smoke so little of the edge and coolness. As also seen before, and elsewhere. See, for example. the Porsche 924th
Wrong! It may well be that Apple freaks have been in the minority - and probably will remain so for all time. But it would be a minus if Apple products are also appealing to the best parent eg because self-evident user interface, is a total failure analysis.
True that Apple controls very much through iTunes, but my irritation due not the same as the side street developers, but that Danish restrictions on film and television distribution gives a very small Danish tender iTunes Store than in both the US and UK stores. IT is a plague. But Apple product itself is a pleasure, and it is constantly larger, whatever Android, Microsoft and all the other fires of.
It is true that the distribution of TV / movies / music (often one and the same unit) is exceptionally restrictive and thus creates jensen design a market for example. ITunes (as you have to remember is not legal to use for film / TV downloads DK - despite jensen design the fact that there are "workarounds").
The interesting thing for me is not that the grandparents are in an indirect focus for Apple. Granted, if you get my grandmother to receive emails, so it is actually quite fine - albeit a temporary pleasure.
iPad and iPhone 4 are excellent examples. In the iPad's physical space for an iSight camera, but it is not built in, since it would not be possible to launch a second generation.
Commercially and strategically it's fine, but from a branding and emotional point of view, it is unacceptable ... the way Apple has burned not only a bridge, but waived their most valuable resource; Embassy doors for quality.
An essential requirement jensen design of "nerds" to the technology they use is that it must be "hackable" - that they should be free to adapt the own wishes, needs and objectives and it is especially here, Jobs and Apple are losing credibility; the increasingly strict regulations and restrictions on the entire Apple ecosystem works didactic and better judgment not to si ble